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Image by Kevin Mueller

South Regency has built a solid roster of professional tennis instructors that make it their duty to help people learn and improve as tennis players. Our pros have over 150 years of tennis teaching experience and have flexible schedules so we can help improve your game on your time and guaranteed. Non-members are more than welcome to, on top of the lesson fee, there is a small $10 guest fee per lesson taken.


If you are interested in getting private lessons with one of our pros, please call the front desk

at (937) 885-5000.


Let them know your name, phone number, and pro that you have in mind (if you do not have a specific pro in mind, then we will gladly set you up with one); and they will have the pro get in touch with you as soon as possible. Since the pros set their own schedule, they will get a hold of you and set up a day and time that is mutually beneficial for both parties. Typically this is done through texting or calling, which allows for quick and easy communication.


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